ADAGIO for STRINGS and SOUL (432 Hz)
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Steven Halpern and David Darling.
“A stunning collaboration of soulful cello, keyboard wizardry and orchestral arrangements that open the heart and uplift the spirit.”
”From earthy to ethereal, David Darling improvised one elegiac melody after another
over the arrangements that I had pre-produced for our recording date in February 2008.
In David’s hands, the majestic resonances of the cello’s low register rise up to sweet angelic highs, creating magnificent cathedrals of sound that open the heart and soothe the soul. We needed more time together to record additional tracks for a full album, but health issues made that impossible.
To my surprise, our collaboration continued after his unexpected passing. I felt his presence as I received inspiration in dreams and meditations. On the inner planes,
I could ’hear’ ways to edit and combine key phrases he played and orchestrate them into new arrangements he did not actually play on! Requiem for Lahaina with Whalesong was recorded after the catastrophic fires in Maui to assist in healing and fundraising.)
"ADAGIO for STRINGS and SOUL (432 Hz) is a fitting testament to the artistic genius of
David Darling. I am honored to have played a part in helping to manifest this music and
share it with the world.” — Steven Halpern
David Darling (1941-2021) 2010 GRAMMY® winning cellist, founding member of the Paul Winter Consort in the 1970s.
The music is tuned to A=432 Hz, not standard concert pitch A=440 Hz, to entrain
with the fundamental harmonic frequency of the Earth (the Schumann Resonance)
which amplifies its healing energies.